tirsdag 14. juni 2011

Summary in english

As I have noticed that I have a lot of readers in USA,Germany and Italy I will from now on make a short summary in english after every posting . I hope that will make it more interesting for all  of you to continue following us in our journey.
You can also comment after the posting if you want. I am i bit curious about who you all are.....;)

Brief summary so far:
We are a couple traveling with our own boat ,Wilma ,from Tønsberg in the south of Norway, all the way up to Kirkenes, the very farthest city close to the boarder of Russia. We went by a cargo boat from the south to the middle of Nordland to a place called Nesna. Then we went to Hammerfest where we left our boat and went on further by the "hurtigrute" to Kirkenes and back.
We have spent a lot of time in Lyngen where Wilhelm was born and grew up.
Now we are on our way back home, passing the middle of Norway, Brønnøysund, two days ago.

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